Data privacy program management involves the overall strategy, planning, implementation, and continuous improvement of an organization’s data privacy program. Taken together, the individual elements described in this model serve as a good approximation of a data privacy program, but the whole of a privacy program is more than just the sum of its parts. This element represents the holistic, end-to-end management of a data privacy program, inclusive of the elements described in this model and of any other elements unique to your organization. This includes the coordination of the different components and activities that make up the program, as well as the allocation of resources and the management of stakeholders.
An immature data privacy program management process is characterized by ad hoc, reactive, and disjointed efforts to address privacy risks and compliance requirements. The organization may lack clear ownership and accountability for the program, as well as a comprehensive and cohesive privacy strategy. The program may also be under-resourced, poorly documented, and not regularly evaluated or updated. You may pursue individual activities (such as those described in this model) but struggle to prioritize one over the other or find that as you progress in one area of data privacy, another area suffers.
In contrast, a mature data privacy program management process is characterized by a proactive and strategic approach to privacy risk management and compliance. The program is well-defined, well documented, and regularly evaluated and updated. There is clear ownership and accountability for the program, with dedicated privacy professionals or teams leading the effort. The program is supported by sufficient resources, including personnel, technology, and funding, and has the buy-in and participation of all relevant stakeholders. You’ll have identified priorities and established a systematic approach to growing and maturing your privacy program, and you will track its growth over time.
To improve your overall privacy program management, privacy professionals can take several actions, including: