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It’s My Birthday, and I’ll Submit a DSAR if I Want to

Written by Arlo Gilbert | May 2, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Hello all, and happy Thursday! 

ChatGPT’s standing under the GDPR has always been on shaky ground—just look at the brief period where Italy’s data protection authority flat-out banned ChatGPT in Europe. And wherever GDPR compliance is suspect, Max Schrems is sure to be found.  

For the unfamiliar, Schrems, founder of the privacy advocacy group noyb (or “none of your business”), is best known for the invalidation of various EU-U.S. data transfer frameworks, such as the Privacy Shield, as well as various complaints and lawsuits against big tech companies. Now, Schrems and his organization have turned their sights on ChatGPT. 

One of our stories this week focuses on a recent complaint filed by noyb against ChatGPT. The basis of the complaint? ChatGPT didn’t know the date of Schrems’ birthday. 

At first blush, this might seem frivolous—but it actually underscores a deeper issue with ChatGPT and its ability to comply with the GDPR.   

Rather than come out and state that it didn’t know Schrems’ birthday, the AI chatbot instead made up several dates. When generative AI solutions like ChatGPT simply make information up out of thin air, it’s called “hallucinating.” 

Under the GDPR, controllers and processors are supposed to:  

  • Identify the sources they receive personal information from. 
  • Ensure that data subjects’ personal information is accurate. 
  • Honor data subjects’ requests to correct inaccurate personal information. 
  • Honor data subjects’ requests to delete personal information. 

According to a noyb statement, OpenAI was unable to meet any of these requirements. Hence, the complaint (even if it is over something as simple as a birthday).   

Unfortunately, acting upon data subject requests in large language models like ChatGPT is a major technical challenge, and it’ll likely be some time before we solve all of the challenges associated with generative AI’s data privacy compliance. In case you missed it, our recent webinar focused on this very issue. 



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Osano Webinar: AI and Data Privacy: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Opportunity 

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Watch here 

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