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In March 2024, Google made a significant update to its consent management tools with the launch of Google Consent Mode 2.0. If you're using Google services, it's crucial to understand what this means for you and how Osano can help make the transition smooth and effective. 

Our partnership with Google highlights our commitment to simplifying data privacy management for businesses. Osano Cookie Consent integrates seamlessly with Google Consent Mode to capture and respect user preferences. This partnership not only streamlines compliance but also enhances the accuracy of your data for analytics and advertising. 

With Google Consent Mode 2.0, staying compliant and optimizing your data practices has never been more straightforward. Here's a detailed look at what Google Consent Mode is, what's new in version 2.0, and why it's essential for your business to upgrade. 

What Is Google Consent Mode? 

As of March 2024, Google introduced Google Consent Mode 2.0 to comply with EU regulations. If you use Google services and target European users, you may need to upgrade. 

What It Does 

Google Consent Mode lets you communicate your users’ consent choices made on cookie banners to Google tags or SDK. When that occurs, these tags can adjust their behavior and comply with users’ choices. As a result, you can respect user privacy choices when measuring conversions and remarketing users.  

What It Doesn't Do 

Consent mode does not provide a consent banner or widget. Instead, it interacts with your CMP (such as Osano Cookie Consent) to register user consent choices and dynamically adapt the behavior of analytics, ads, and third-party tags that create or read cookies.   

Do You Need It? 

You need to enable Google Consent Mode if you target users and you use:  

  • Google Ads  
  • Google Tag Manager  
  • Google Analytics   
  • GTag  
  • Conversion Linker  
  • Floodlight  

Without it, no data will be sent to your Google advertising platforms, which will adversely affect measurement, reporting, audience creation, and remarketing efforts.  

If you are an Osano user and need to integrate Google Consent Mode, you can do so in a few steps: here’s how. 

If you use Google Consent Mode and you do business in the EU, you may need to upgrade to Google Consent Mode 2.0. 

What's New in Google Consent Mode v2? 

Updated to Align with the Latest EU Regulations  

The original Google Consent Mode included two tag settings, which enabled users to communicate consent choices to Google tags that measure digital channel and advertising performance:   

  • Analytics_storage: Does the user consent to their data being used for analytics?  
  • Ad_storage: Does the user consent to their data being used for advertising?  

Permission is granted or denied via a site’s cookie banner.  

New Tag Settings for User Data and Personalization  

To comply with the Digital Markets Act in the EU, which went into effect in March 2024, Google Consent Mode 2.0 introduces two new tags:  

  • Ad_user_data: Does the user consent to their personal data being used for advertising purposes?  
  • Ad_personalization: Does the user consent to their data being used for remarketing?  

Do I Need to Upgrade to v2?  

You will need to upgrade to Google Consent Mode v2 if you:  

  • Use Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager  
  • Use ad personalization and remarketing features 
  • Target users in the European Economic Area (EEA)  

Importantly, publishers and developers using Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob are required to use a CMP that’s been certified by Google when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK.  

Google-approved CMPs undergo rigorous testing and approval for data handling, consent management, and privacy adherence. As a Certified Google CMP Partner, Osano’s team is here for any support and documentation you need to integrate Osano Cookie Consent with Google Consent Mode.  

Upgrade to v2 now. 

Additional Resources 

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