Depending on the location where users are accessing your site and the language the browser is set to, users see a specific and localized version of Osano's Consent Manager. But we know that the language within that notice might impact your opt-in rates. Now, you can customize that message to the specific ways it fits your company's customer base.
It's important to note that Osano's default pop-up language is what we believe complies with applicable cookie laws, so companies modifying the language should check with legal counsel to be sure any changes don't impact your compliance status.
It’s a documented fact now that online users are starting to feel worried about the number of cookies sites deploy on them. Consumers are becoming more savvy on the ways sites are collecting their personal information. This is partly due to newsmaking privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act, which requires a visible opt-out button for consumers to reject the sale of their personal information by the site collecting the information to third parties.
So the more transparent you can be, the better. But it can be difficult to explain that in a very small box in a very succinct way. So communication is key.
In a 2020 Deloitte study on cookies, researchers looked at 167 websites across 12 countries in the EU to take the pulse. How are companies deploying cookies? Which are doing so effectively?
The study found that the “perception of an organization can be largely influenced by the way it handles its cookies. Implementing user-centric methods to manage cookies and adopting sophisticated tools to gather consent can be important and unique selling points and can grant organizations a relative competitive advantage.”
That is, the way you communicate to users what it is you’re asking them for within your consent pop-up or banner will impact your opt-in rates. While there are certain requirements from which you can’t deviate (you have to notify users and obtain consent before you place cookies, period) there is some room to tailor that depending on the message you want to convey. You may have even conducted internal testing that indicates what kind of language, colors or fonts help customers feel comfortable clicking “yes.” For example, maybe your customers are more likely to click a cookie preferences button that says “Got It” versus a button that says “Save.”